Project Management CDM

The Client has overall health and safety responsibility for the successful execution of a project with the Principal Designer and Principal Contractor taking the lead over different phases.

Clients must ensure that construction work is carried out, so far as is reasonably practicable, without risk to the health and safety of workers and others.  Client duties include

The Wilde Group has the experience and expertise to act as a principle contractor. This CDM service is offered to clients whose project is scheduled to be over:

  • 30 days and have more than 20 workers working simultaneously or
  • Exceed 500 person days in length

Projects falling into the above categories are notifiable to the HSE and failure to do so may result in hefty fines.

The Construction (Design and Management) Regulations 2015 (CDM) can help you to:

  • improve health and safety in your industry
  • have the right people for the right job at the right time to manage the risks on site
  • focus on effective planning and manage the risk – not the paperwork

Under CDM clients are responsible for making suitable arrangements for managing a project and maintaining and reviewing these arrangements throughout the project so the project is carried out in a way that manages health and safety risks. This applies whatever the size of the site.  For projects involving more than one contractor, the CDM regulations require the cloents to appoint a Principal Designer and Principal Contractor.  The Wilde Group can help you with all of these formalities.

When appointed Principal Designer and/or Principal Contractor our designers and project managers will drive the project from the design phase through to completion  They will be responsible for planning, monitoring and coordinating health and safety in the design and construction phase of the project, communicating with other designers and organising cooperation between contractors and coordinating their work.

During site activities they will ensure the correct levels of site labour are made available to meet the program and the quality of works are carried out to the highest standard.