SafetyFlex PAS68 Truckstopper 3 Bollards

Stopping you in your tracks

This month sees the completion of our first project erecting SafetyFlex PAS68 Truckstopper 3 Bollards.

These are Anti Ram bollards that can stop a 7.5 Tonne truck doing 30mph in its tracks. Visit their web site and watch the video of the lorry hitting the bollard. It has to be seen to believe.

This project is the first time we have installed this type of bollard and in doing so we are hoping to build a relationship with Safetyflex to become an approved installer, we have had site meetings with the supplier throughout the installation period showing them the different stages to make sure we have carried out works to their satisfaction.

Congratulations should be given to the excellent work carried out by Paul Owen, Kevin Davis, Mike and Brian Coles. Their team work has produced a finished project that was not only snag free but has exceeded our client’s expectations. At the beginning of the job they were presented with a green field and between the four of them marked out lines, worked out levels, dug and shuttered trenches, fitted reinforcement, pumped concrete, back filled ground, landscaped and seeded grass. All the time learning as they went. Their hard work and determination has produced a finished product that not only they should be proud of but also “The Wilde Group” is very proud of.



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